"Ed Brodow is the number one negotiation speaker in the world!"
Media Learning International
"Outstanding opening keynote—you were rated the best out of our eight speakers. You really set the tone for the conference with your energy and enthusiasm, and the way you connected with the audience. Your win-win negotiation strategy was just what we needed to hear."
Turnaround Management Association
"Ed received the highest review of all our outside speakers, which have been many. His secret may be that he knows his subject extremely well and does his homework so extensively."
American AgCredit
"Ed Brodow was the ideal choice for our keynote speaker. He was magnetic, charismatic, and captured the attention of everyone. In these days of banks and bailouts the ability to negotiate is paramount and no one understands it all better than Ed."
Golf Course Superintendents Association
"Ed repeatedly receives the highest evaluations. We consider our business partnership with him to be of great benefit to our employees."
Seagate Technology
"Ed made a splendid keynote presentation, as promised! Message was provocative and had great utility to our audience. He prepared well via his thoughtful advance conversations with our members; he tailored an interesting program to key messages that are constructive to attendee contemporary business negotiations. Everything surrounding his program was smooth and timely.
Associated Oregon Loggers
"We had two objectives: (a) laying out a framework for negotiating effectively; (b) bringing fun and unique illustrations to really bring forth the
steps in the framework. Ed did both very effectively."
"A huge success which far exceeded expectations. It was evident from the material you created and delivered that you had put in many, many hours of researching our industry, our distribution system and our customer base. The word 'customization' does not do justice to the end product you delivered."
The Hartford Insurance
"Ed is a great story teller and presents the information in a way that truly sticks with people. The team absolutely walked away energized!"
Ritz-Carlton Hotels
"Ed Brodow did a great job creating real-world experiences that were customized for our company. The tools our employees can now use every day will be a win for us as well as our customers."
Hopkins Manufacturing Corporation
"Ed demonstrated a rare talent for distilling the complex and essential elements of a skilled negotiation process. The feedback from our managers was that the concepts and approaches could be immediately applied to their jobs."
National Semiconductor/Texas Instruments
"I can tell you, it is not easy to find such a good speaker as Ed! He was fantastic and, from zero to ten, audience gave him 9.7. Negotiation speakers from Harvard Business School we had hired in the past never got such a grade."
Machado Corporate Brazil
"You have a great gift in speaking to people without lecturing and that creates a group that is interactive and excited to learn. Thanks for making us all better negotiators."
Mission Foods National Sales Meeting
"Excellent virtual presentation of the Six Principles of Negotiation for our Business Masterclass. Great job!"
Economic Times of India
"In today's extremely competitive marketplace the skills you taught us are invaluable. I am certain your fee will prove to be the wisest money we have ever spent."
Heat and Control
"In the year after Ed's program, our average sales price increased by a whopping 59 percent. Our salespeople learned how to negotiate customer price objections."
Landesk North America Sales
"The content of your program, the delivery, and especially the customization of the material was appreciated by all."
“Ed gave an insightful, funny and engaging keynote on 'Successful Negotiating Secrets' to our executive audience of engineering & architecture leaders from across the country. Lots of great feedback from the attendees. Highly recommend!”
Rusk O’Brien Gido + Partners
"Your ability to adapt your presentation to our market, address our specific needs, and even understand our competitors was impressive to say the least. I can't thank you enough."
"The virtual presentation was executed very professionally and proved to be extremely informative and thought provoking for all the various ranges of negotiation experience on my staff. The medium was ideal as the team is spread across several states."
Strike Construction LLC
"I got my money back in my first negotiation!"
St. Joseph Healthcare System
"Ed's humor, storytelling ability and information kept everyone in their seats. His excellent keynote offered good insights and principles that can be used, not just in professional negotiations, but in every part of life."
National Electrical Contractors Association
"Your presentation received very high scores from all members of our leasing team. I can already see where your strategies have been successfully put to use—the real value added that we hoped to achieve."
Glenborough Realty Trust
"Your kickoff to our annual meeting was fantastic! We use your book every week to train our staff."
Hornblower Cruises
"Our group of sales professionals thoroughly enjoyed the information you shared at our National Sales Meeting. The extra time you spent interviewing our attendees certainly showed!"
"Ed managed to keep 40 purchasing professionals awake for eight hours, a feat in itself!"
"As I listened to your talk, I realized how to salvage a multi-million dollar deal that we had given up for lost. You put your finger on the cause and the solution. Thanks, Ed!"
National Association of Small Business Investment Companies
"Every time I hear Ed speak I learn something new!"
"Great work on the IREM conference. You were phenomenal. Your customizing of your keynote really struck a chord with our attendees."
Institute of Real Estate Management
"I had so many positive comments about your presentation today, I thought it was important to pass on the feedback immediately. Fantastic job."
"The best presentation I ever attended. It was definitely a turning point for me. You taught me that we have to be strategic in our thoughts. If people get half of what I got from your program, they will succeed."
Wood Group ESP
"It is difficult to commend Ed too highly. I cannot think of any group that would not appreciate what he has to say and how he says it."
Association Legal Services
"Negotiation Boot Camp® was, without doubt, the best class on negotiation that I have ever attended. The major reason that your material was so effective was the degree of preparation and thought that you put into the case studies and exercises. These were tailored to the needs of my sales teams—they were instantly able to relate to the situations you posed to them."
"Thanks Ed for a great presentation. The reviews from our team were excellent."
Century Housing Corp.
"The program you conducted for us was, in a word, dynamite! Your interaction with the group was flawless."
"Negotiation Boot Camp produced the best overall participant ratings we have had for any of our development programs. Participants have shared excellent stories in which the skills and techniques they learned in your seminar were put to use to bring about very successful, positive negotiations."
"High ratings not only for your presentation style, but for the value and effectiveness of the program itself. Such words as excellent, interesting, informative, entertaining, and educational are repeated over and over."
Raytheon Aircraft Company
"Ed's use of humor made the information very user friendly. I left feeling confident I would be able to negotiate better starting the next day!"
American Society for Training and Development
"Ed is the best speaker we ever had at Philip Morris."
Philip Morris USA
"Fabulous speaker—he was very knowledgeable, warm, humorous, upbeat and memorable. Stories were perfect. Excellent delivery style."
HSMAI Affordable Meetings
"Your humor, inquisitiveness, and professionalism made you stand out as the 'best of the best."
"Your presentation received the best overall rating for the meeting. That is truly an honor, since we had a number of excellent presentations during the three-day event."
Information Services Human Resource Association
"Thanks for the outstanding negotiation presentation. I was especially pleased that you were able to tailor the program to our business."
St. Paul Bank
"Thank you for sharing your insights and delivering such an impactful virtual session on the art of successful negotiation. It was a wonderful learning experience for everyone involved."
"Your talk on presentation skills was rated the best session at our Annual Sales Conference in Miami."
Scitex America
"These are people who have a short attention span, but nobody got up to leave—they were spellbound and captivated."
Hyatt Hotels & Resorts
"Thanks for all the terrific preparation and high energy delivery. Ed's programs have received high marks from all our employees who have been participants. Everyone who talks to a customer and everyone who talks to a supplier needs to go to this one!"
Baker Hughes
"You were so charming and gracious. Everyone RAVED about you after the program."
Professional Women's Network
"Ed was superb. He is a high content speaker who knows how to get his audience totally involved. A real PRO. All the examples he gave were personal, practical and real. His humor really came across. He established a terrific rapport with the audience."
Amdahl Corporation
" Ed's masterful presentation was instrumental in laying a strong foundation for our negotiations staff."
Cardone Industries
"Ed was a hit at our National Sales Meeting. He was funny, engaging, and his material was dead-on in terms of the areas of sales we need to strengthen."
"Excellent presenter—offered concrete solutions and good examples. Wonderful story teller. Really involves his audience and challenges the mind. This man is my new hero!"
Meeting Professionals International
"My team was truly inspired by both the content and style of your presentation."
Quest Diagnostics
"Superb presentation. I've received many positive comments about your discussion of the benefits of being a risk-taker in a life that's all too short."
Department of Defense-The Pentagon
"Ed's a great presenter--I love him! I wish he were my neighbor!"
Central California Women's Conference
"Rave reviews and absolutely no negative feedback."
Unum Insurance
"Received great feedback from our people after Ed's presentation at our annual sales meeting. Great topic, extremely relevant."
"I was impressed with Mr. Brodow's enthusiasm and ability to motivate!"
Enpro Systems
"You integrated our products into your presentation with such ease, it appeared as if you had been selling them for years. We are already enjoying the positive results."
Serena Software
"Excellent! Made my day! This alone was well worth the trip. I attend these conferences because of high quality speakers such as Ed."
American Chamber of Commerce Executives
"It was wonderful working with a speaker who cares enough to research your group so that his keynote has that personal touch. The reviews are all great!"
Banks of North Dakota
"Ed is the best speaker we've ever had!"
California Financial Services Association
Consumer Products
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